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2 responses to “Email”

  1. R.Ananthapadmanabhan Avatar

    My happiness knew no bounds, when I happened to visit your webpage, full of Daasara padagalu, stotragalu, etc., very very useful to Madhwas. I am so much greatful and thankful to you sir. My wife Smt Chitra Ananthapadmanabhan of Nanmangalam, chennai, is taking free class for Maadhwa ladies on Devara naamagalu in bhajane style. The group contains more than 40 singers who do bhajane in a splendid chorus, and doing bhajane programmes for 1 to 2 hours in and around Chennai.
    By the by, one thing I noticed in this webpage that I am unable to copy the lyrics of devara naamagalu and unable to keep in my computer system. If you provide word or copyable pdf versions of the songs, we will be very much thankful to your good service for Maadhwa community.
    Namaskaara Swaami.

    1. Daasa Avatar

      Thank you for your kind words and glad that the site is of use to you. Due to large number of songs and some copyright issues, we are unable to provide copy option in the site. The site has automatic language converter , so PDF will not work.
      Please take a screenshot of the page and can use it. Another option is you can send an email request to , for any song request with language needed.. We can send that.
      Hare Srinivasa.

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